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Our Selection Criteria

Choosing the right rehab for substance abuse or mental health treatment is crucial for a successful recovery. To make your selection process a bit easier, we have compiled a list of the finest rehab centers in the U.S.

When selecting the best luxury rehab centers, we make sure the rehab meets our selection criteria. This ensures our visitors get the treatment that best fits their needs, the highest level of care, and the world-class amenities they deserve.

Client-to-Staff Ratio

There is no greater factor than the clinical integrity of the treatment team. Therapists need to be well educated and experienced. The ratio of patients to therapists should be low. Each patient deserves to have a therapist who has the time and energy to get to know them and provide quality counseling and clinical work. In order for that to happen, the lower the ratio of patients to therapists, the better.

Quality of the Staff

The staff are there to teach clients how to change their behavior, and a treatment center is only as good as its staff. The level of education and experience is especially important. A qualified therapist should have at least a Master’s Level degree in Social Work and Behavioral Science.

Well Rounded, Clinically Oriented Program

This can be difficult to access. Most programs offer a routine schedule to keep their clients busy and on track. The key component is how often each client can meet one-on-one with their primary care therapist and case manager each week. Group therapy is an important part of any program, but there is no substitute for one-on-one interaction with a primary therapist and case manager. This relationship is really the core of what rehab is all about.


What makes this particular drug rehab treatment center stand out? What types of therapy and activities do they offer that other rehabs do not? Therapeutic activities like yoga, tai chi, art, music, and group projects all are important features of the best rehab centers.


The actual facilities are more important than you might think. Some rehab treatment centers put their clients up in apartments, “off campus.” This is not nearly as good as an enclosed residential setting. The nicer the facility, the easier it is to build a client’s self-worth and self-esteem and help them learn the value of a healthy happy lifestyle.

Success Rate

Determining the true success rate is very difficult. Get on the phone, ask the centers what their success rates are, and listen carefully to the answers. Hesitation to answer might be a good sign there is a problem.


When it comes to finding the best rehab, size can make a significant difference. The size of a drug rehab is counted by the number of beds. A smaller, more individually focused program usually outperforms a larger, hospital-like setting.


One of the things that sets a rehab apart is its area of expertise. For example, it may specialize in adolescent, faith-based, wilderness, gender specific, ADHD, bi-polar or depression treatment. Some places offer a program that is non-12-Step based, which would also be considered a specialty. At Luxury Rehab, to reach our Top 10 list, treatment centers must also have high-quality amenities, a beautiful location, and a commitment to the client’s care.

Follow-up Care

One of the most important and overlooked points of a good rehab treatment center is aftercare. Aftercare is what plans and activities are available after the person leaves treatment. The best rehabs will offer a solid plan to make sure their clients continue the process after leaving treatment.

Style Points

Style points are what we call some important little things that can add up to a big difference between one facility and another. Examples of “Style Points” are:

  • The number of people sharing a bedroom and a bathroom
  • Clients are treated with complete dignity and respect
  • Accommodation for all different kinds of people
  • High security for everyone
  • Friendly, well-informed staff
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