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How to Deal with The Fear of Going to Rehab

Making the choice to recover from alcohol and drug addiction is not easy. There are a lot of things that may be holding you back from making the decision. Denial and resistance are symptoms of the illness itself. Once you choose to recover, it should all be smooth sailing from there.

Unfortunately, for many people, difficult emotions come out in full force once that decision is made. One of the most significant things people focus on during this time is going to rehab. The fear of going to rehab is understandable, especially if you don’t know much about what to expect.

I can tell you from personal experience that there is nothing to be afraid of. Rehab is hard work, but there are people there to help you and peers who can become lifelong friends. I look back on my own time in rehab with fondness.

Overcoming Fear

However, fear is not that easy to dispel. For this reason, let’s look at some ways you can deal with the fear of going to rehab.

What is the Root of Your Fear?

Before looking into how you can better deal with the fear of rehab, it’s necessary to understand why you feel scared in the first place. While many people fear rehab, the reason is not always the same.

Here are some common reasons you may fear going to rehab:

Fear of the unknown

This may be the most common cause of fear of going to rehab. You don’t know what to expect, and your mind comes up with ideas of what could go wrong. These ideas may be totally off the mark, but since you do not have a frame of reference for what rehab is like, it can be difficult to dispel them.

Fear of stigma

Another reason people fear going to rehab is that they are concerned about the way others will see them. There is an unjustified stigma surrounding addiction and rehab.

Fear of failure

For many addicts, the decision to go to rehab may be taken in desperation. They just don’t see any other option. In this context, the fear that they will not get better can take primacy.

Fear of missing out

Going to rehab requires you to leave your normal life behind for a significant amount of time. As such, some people fear that they will miss out on important moments with family and friends.

With the above context, here are some ways to deal with the fear of going to rehab.

Reframe How You Think About Rehab

The fear of the unknown and the fear of stigma are based on misconceptions about addiction and rehab. You may find it worthwhile to start thinking about rehab differently.

If you ask a newbie going on a mindfulness retreat if they feel scared, they might look at you strangely. Sure, there may be some trepidation and even anxiety if it’s their first time, but they’re not putting themselves in danger. Quite the opposite!

Why is it different with rehab? You are taking time to work on yourself so that you can live a better life. You are taking this step precisely because the status quo has become so unbearable. In theory, the thought of going to rehab should bring a lot of relief.

There is a difference, though. While there’s no stigma surrounding wellness, there is stigma surrounding addiction. Many people see a stint in rehab as a kind of punishment, rather than a time for healing. And, in the past, some rehabs may have taken a more disciplinary approach.

But today’s rehabs understand that addiction is an illness. There is no blame assigned to patients. In fact, it is an admirable step that the patients are taking.

Start thinking about rehab as a time for healing that will make your life so much better. This can dispel some of the fear. You might even start looking forward to it.

Research Your Rehab

Struggling to reframe the way you see rehab? If you haven’t done research on the rehab you’re attending, now might be the time.

Go on their website and have a look through their amenities and success stories. You’ll begin to see that what they offer is quite attractive. Even people who aren’t addicted to substances might see the rehab as something they’d like to try.

This is especially true for luxury rehabs like Seasons in Malibu. Luxury rehabs are usually located in picturesque environments. Food is prepared by a chef and accommodation is extremely comfortable. There are many activities, with a gym, sauna, and other amenities available for the leisure of residents.

Learn About Modern Addiction Treatment

If you’re scared of ‘failure’, you may have heard some unnerving statistics. The idea that rehab rarely works has become widespread. However, this is not true – at least not anymore.

There was a period of time when success rates at rehabs were low. But, while relapse is a possibility after rehab, the best rehabs today have excellent success rates.

Even those who relapse after spending time in rehab are better prepared to deal with it. When they go back to rehab, they also have a better idea of what to expect.

Think About Life After Rehab

What about the fear of missing out on important moments?

The reality is that, while in rehab, you will miss out. However, it is also true that you’ll miss out if you don’t go to rehab. As long as you are addicted to substances, you are missing out on spending quality time with the people you love – even if you are with them on a day-to-day basis.

Think about how much better your time with family and friends will be after going to rehab. Think about what you will be able to do with your time when no longer addicted. You’ll find that spending a few weeks in rehab is well worth it.


Rehab can seem scary for those who have never attended before. But today’s rehabs provide life-changing experiences while ensuring you are comfortable and have the guidance necessary.

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