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Experiencing Career Success After Recovery

People who have suffered from addiction may have had many setbacks because of their illness. They could have performed poorly at work, lost their job or been unemployed for many years because they spent so much time pursuing their drug habit. Substance abuse can make it difficult to handle a steady job but recovery is a time when patients can begin to start their career path over and experience more success.

While in treatment it can often be helpful for patients to start considering their options for work when they complete the program. It is crucial for people in recovery to have stable schedules and to stay productive and busy so that they are not tempted to start abusing drugs again. Having a job should be a top priority for someone who is recently sober and needs to adjust to their lifestyle.

Success in the workplace

Most treatment centers will help patients explore possibilities for career paths and get them started on finding a new job. There are many things to focus on while in treatment such as mending relationships and repairing physical and mental health. However, it is important not to forget about planning for a career and working regular hours again to get back on a responsible path.

Preparing to Work Again

It can be challenging to get back into the workforce following a stay in a treatment center for a number of reasons. People who have struggled with addiction sometimes have spotty job histories, few credible references or they may have been out of the workforce for many years. There can be other challenges as well such as drug-related offenses on their record which can make it more difficult to pass a background check.

Because of these issues, it can be important for patients to work with a career counselor who can help them find ways to improve their resume and search for areas of employment that would suitable for them. A career counselor who has experience working with people in recovery will have a better idea of how to tailor a job search so that the patient is more likely to succeed in finding a steady job. They can also help you explore possibilities such as going back to school, getting internships or other paths that can lead to employment.

One thing to consider when preparing to go back to work is to think about your strengths and needs in the workforce. What type of work do you enjoy doing and what kind of environment would you feel more comfortable in? You are more likely to experience career success if you focus on jobs that you find interesting or suitable to your personality.

Networking and Applying

Once you have a resume ready and have a better idea of what type of work you would like to pursue, the next step is to put yourself out there. Recovery programs often help patients with networking and finding connections that will help them land a job. Many have lost contact with old friends and family members and need to find new resources that can put them in touch with a potential employer.

Counselors, sponsors and sober friends can help you network and meet people that are in the type of industry that you are interested in. Networking is a good way to get a head start in getting interviews especially when you have many challenges with your resume that you need to overcome. Counselors and other people in your recovery program can also serve as credible references in your job search.

Aside from networking, it is also important to apply to as many positions as you can and stay persistent. Send out your resume and fill out online applications as often as possible and continue doing interviews. Working hard to find a job will be rewarding when you get something that you feel is right for you.

It can sometimes be intimidating to look for work after going through recovery but it can be a positive experience that will help motivate patients. When they understand the importance of work for maintaining their sobriety, people in recovery will be able to focus on their career success.

Maintaining a Good Work Ethic

Once a person in recovery is able to find a job it is crucial for them to keep developing good work habits and try to keep a positive attitude. Staying at a job for a longer period of time can help build up a better resume and allow you to learn important skills that will be useful for your next career move. Keeping on good terms with your boss and fellow employees can help ensure that you maintain your current job and also have reliable references should you decide to leave.

It is possible to experience career success after recovering from an addiction with the resources that treatment centers provide as well as your own persistence in doing your best to find and keep a job.

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